Sunday, October 6, 2013


The alarm went off at 4 o'clock Friday morning. When I initially opened my eyes, I was not quite sure where I was. Maybe, because I stayed up until 1 o'clock making final preparations for the trip to Kona. The darkness outside did not help either, but I knew, I had to overcome it quickly because there was a 60-minute run waiting for me before leaving for the airport.

After overcoming the initial shock the endorphins would take care of the rest, as I ran through the empty streets of Dublin. Even the busiest streets were totally empty and I fully enjoyed this early morning run.

The socks were in full display a few ours later at the Port Columbus Airport and turned a few heads among the travelers in Columbus, Dallas, and Honolulu. Thank you Garth for your time and bringing me to the airport that morning.

After a short trip to Dallas-Forth came a long 8-hour flight to Honolulu. By that time, and after over 12 hours of travel, I was ready to get off the plane. The gentle wind and delicate air made me realize why I enjoy returning to the islands.

The first sign of Aloha.

Leaving Honolulu after an over 4-hour layover. What separated me now was a 45-minute flight to Kona. After all was said and done I concluded my journey after 25 hours of sleep deprivation. I was probably already asleep before my head hit the pillow.

While on the Big Island, we are staying with our Hawaiian Ohana, Alison, Kukui, Nani, and David. The year has gone so quickly since we saw them last time.

Saturday will be a busy day. Picking up my bike from Tri Bike Transport (the best bike transport company in the market place) and a "brick" training session are only a couple of the agenda items planned for that day. I plan to write a short report from each day of the trip to Kona, so stay tunned. Aloha!!!