Thursday, August 14, 2008


Stoaked Off Road Triathlon (SORT) 2008 - I got to the venue real early and had plenty of time to set my stuff up but man was it cold for this time of year.

My idea of just wearing a sweatshirt over my tri suit was probably not the best. It was foggy and continued to be foggy up until start time. I’m glad I brought my wetsuit because I needed it. For some reason the swim seemed crowded this year even though there weren’t that many more people compared to past years. I had a pretty good swim, at least how I placed compared to last year. While on the swim I managed to lose a contact. I was hoping it may have rolled back above the eye lid and work its way back down but no such luck. I came out of the water in just over 21 minutes which placed me around 57th of 110 to start. (Other than overall placing I’m not positive if I counted down the list correctly which is how I figured my places.)

Transition went fairly smoothly and the bike was a blast considering I had one contact, the course was muddy as can be with plenty of walking/running especially on the single track. The open areas where very rideible but also very muddy. It was a double loop bike course and just to through in some fun my bike’s chain decided to cease up while cracking hard on uphills which I’m pretty good at. So I ended up having to walk my bike for a decent amount more than I needed slowing me down a bit. I ended up 85th of the 102 to finish. By the run the sun was finally fully out and it was really nice. I like the course. It has some pretty steep hills going on some trails, one of which going through a big field. Two loops which helped me make up some of my slow showing on the bike. On the run I placed 63rd giving me a 77th place finish. I keep improving each year in how I place compared to the competition. Overall I was happy with my results considering the conditions.