Friday, August 17, 2012


Greetings from Burlington where I arrived this afternoon with. The weather does not look too good. Heavy, thunderous clouds have been hovering above the city for most of the day coupled with a 20 mph wind. We are procrastinating with taking our bikes to the transition area because of the pending rain. Do not want them to get them drenched in the rain, if we can help it. Have until 19:00 to get it done, though.

My swim waive starts at 7:48 AM tomorrow morning and the weather forecast predicts a sunny/cloudy day with winds between 5-10 mph. Should be an exciting morning.

Sheraton Burlington is a busy place today.

At the race expo and registration.

No, this is not a medical procedure. I am enjoying a compression therapy courtesy of the NordiTec. Feels awesome.

My maiden experience with full length compression socks. I thought, I will never wear them. But, what do you know? Tomorrow, I will know if they worked.

Getting ready for tomorrow - Aaron messing with Michael's swimming cap.

Outside the house we are staying in - Aaron, Michael, and Rebekah. My arm was long enough for taking this picture, after all.

More to come after the race. Best. -- Tomsz